The Leadership and Achievement Academy (The Academy) is a non-profit organization 501(c)3 based in Richmond, Virginia offering unique STEM learning experiences for bright, forward-thinking elementary, middle and high school students who will evolve into our next generation of innovators, engineers, doctors, forensic scientists, mathematicians, and physicists.
During our five-day summer camps, students are immersed with rich STEM experiences, as they take part in hands-on simulations, workshops, and competitions, while making new friends and having unforgettable adventures that aligned to technology that interest them.
Few academic fields are more important to the future of mankind than STEM—science, technology, engineering, and math—and few show as much promise for future career opportunities. Virtually all career fields today require a solid foundation of STEM, and that’s precisely why these are the fastest growing areas of study—and the reason that STEM professionals are in the highest demand throughout the world.
The Academy is built on a multidisciplinary curriculum designed to help students find their passion through hands-on activities in forensics, robotics programming, medicine, and civil engineering . The program provides an invaluable opportunity for curious and high-achieving students to explore the frontiers of 21st century science and technology.